
Hajj Cost Reduces by Tk 11, 725, Registration Time Extends till Mar 27

Image: Collected

Image: Collected

The government today announced that the cost of upcoming Hajj package has been reduced by Taka 11,725 (413 Saudi Riyal) while the registration time has been extended till March 27, reports BSS.

The Ministry of Religious Affairs announced this in a circular citing that the Royal Saudi government decided to reduce the service price of four (A, B, C, D) categories, including in the package announced for the Hajj of Hijri 1444/2023 under public and private management for Bangladesh and other countries of the world.

Due to this, the registered pilgrims will get back the extra money they paid earlier, the circular added. 

The same amount of money will be reduced in the case of private agencies as well. Now the current Hajj package price under private management is Taka 6 lakh 60 thousand 893.

Besides, the Hajj agencies which have fixed the package for other categories of Mina tents will have to fix the package at the reduced price of the respective category, the notification said.

It is said that under the government management, Mina tent costs have been fixed under 'C' category package. Therefore, the government package price has been reduced by 11, 725.

Hajj Agency Association Bangladesh (HAB) has decided the package under 'C' category of Mina tents.

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