Entertainment Desk
Publish: 24 Nov 2024, 06:30 pm
Dr. Sabrina || Photo : Collected
Dr. Sabrina has been one of the most discussed-criticized names in the country’s media for a long time. Her attractively dressed photos, videos and interviews from different times are quite viral on social media. Not only that, Dr. Sabrina has also been seen in various showbiz events recently.
The latest news is that Dr. Sabrina will be seen in a Bengali drama! She recently played in a drama titled ‘Avimane Tumi’, paired with National Film Award-winning actor Fazlur Rahman Babu.
Written by Ayan Chowdhury and directed by SK Shuvo, Dr. Sabrina plays a central character in the drama. The shooting has already been completed in various locations in Uttara in the capital Dhaka.
Though many have been confused about seeing Dr. Sabrina in the media, this platform is not new for her. 15 years ago, Sabrina acted in a drama with popular model-star actress Sadia Islam Mou. After that, Sabrina became busy with professional work and could not give time to acting. At last, she stood again in front of the camera.
In this context, Dr. Sabirna said, “I take any work very seriously. The same has happened in the case of acting. I have tried my best to act the way the director explained the character to me and the way he asked me to act. Of course, the audience will be able to tell me how I did after the drama airs.”
“My co-artist respected Fazlur Rahman Babu has helped me a lot. Acting is a very challenging subject. Since I had a fondness for acting from long ago, I am trying to understand the challenging space anew even though it is late,” she said,
Director SK Shuvo said that the play will be aired on a TV channel soon.
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