841 Third-Level Teachers under MPO

Desk Report

Published: 21 Sep 2021, 06:05 pm

Ministry of Education logo || Photo; Collected

Ministry of Education logo || Photo; Collected

After lawsuits demanding MPO registration, 841 third-level teachers were finally listed for MPO.

The Ministry of Education issued a notification on Monday (September 20) ordering their MPO registration. This notification was issued with the consent of the Ministry of Finance.

In the circular signed by Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Education Secondary and Higher Education Division Kamrul Hasan, MPO registration order was issued for these 841 teachers on 4 conditions. The four conditions are- the degree level of the concerned educational institution must be registered in the government MPO, according to the MPO policy, the third teacher must have qualifications and experience at the time of recruitment and must be employed in accordance with the recruitment rules. The recruits have to register for MPO by 31st December 2018 and no new third teacher can be appointed in any institution where the third teacher has not been appointed before.

It is learned that if these 841 teachers are included in the MPO, it will cost more than Tk 25 crore a year. However, it will end the inhuman life of these teachers who have been working without pay for more than a decade. 

Editor & Publisher: Eliash Uddin Palash

Address: 10/22 Iqbal Road, Block A, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207

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