Top And Mid-Ranked 40 Police Officials Transferred

Desk Report

Published: 23 Jun 2024, 02:54 pm

40 top and mid-ranked police officials were transferred to new postings today. The transfers were made by the home ministry through three circulars signed by Sirajum Munira, deputy secretary of the Public Security Division.

Among those transferred, additional inspector general (supernumerary) Krishana Pada Roy, the Chattogram Metropolitan Police Commissioner, was reassigned to Police Headquarters in Dhaka. The other officials transferred include nine Deputy Inspectors General (DIGs), 15 recently promoted additional DIGs, and 15 superintendents of police (SPs).

Editor & Publisher: Eliash Uddin Palash

Address: 10/22 Iqbal Road, Block A, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207

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