Not All Fats Are Bad

Desk Report

Published: 19 Oct 2024, 04:41 pm

A balanced diet should include all types of nutrients in the right proportions || Photo: Collected

A balanced diet should include all types of nutrients in the right proportions || Photo: Collected

When we hear the word "fat," it often evokes a negative feeling. However, not all fats are harmful. Fat is one of the essential nutrients required by the human body. It helps in producing energy, brain development, hormone production, absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), and maintaining the health of skin and other organs.

The intake of fat varies according to age, lifestyle, and body composition. An adult requires about 50 grams of fat daily. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are beneficial for health. A balanced diet should include all types of nutrients in the right proportions.

Many spreads available in the market are cholesterol-free. Any plant-based source is cholesterol-free, as cholesterol comes only from animal sources. However, this does not mean they are fat-free. Many people confuse this distinction. It's okay to occasionally consume ghee or butter, but regular consumption can lead to problems since they contain saturated fats.

Similarly, trans fats should be avoided. These unhealthy fats can be harmful to the body as they increase bad cholesterol (LDL) levels and decrease good cholesterol (HDL). Processed foods, snacks, fried foods, fatty meats, cream, butter, cheese, palm oil, coconut oil, and baked goods often contain high levels of trans fats. In many households, there is a habit of snacking on puffed rice and fried snacks in the afternoon, which is not healthy.

On the other hand, you can regularly include almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds, and sesame seeds in your diet, as they are good sources of healthy fats.

To stay fit and ensure proper nutrition, one must also prepare their mind. Fat is an essential component for the body. Therefore, completely eliminating fatty foods is not an option. By consuming healthy fats, you can meet your body's requirements while avoiding harmful fats to reduce the risk of various diseases.

Editor & Publisher: Eliash Uddin Palash

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