Desk Report
Published: 03 Dec 2024, 05:36 pm
Sharmeen S. Murshid, Advisor to the Ministry of Social Welfare || Photo: Shampratik Deshkal
Sharmeen S. Murshid, Advisor to the Ministry of Social Welfare and Ministry of Women and Children Affairs of the Interim Government, is also the Chief Executive Officer of the election observation organization ‘Brati.’ She has long advocated for free and fair elections, as well as the strengthening of the country’s democratic institutions. She is the General Secretary of the cultural center ‘Uttorshuri.’ During the 1971 Liberation War, she was a member of the ‘Mukti Sangrami Shilpi Sangstha’ (Liberation Struggle Artists Association). Her father, Khan Sarwar Murshid, was an academic, diplomat, and intellectual, while her mother, Nurjahan Murshid, served as the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in the post-independence government.
In an exclusive interview with Shampratik Deshkal weekly, Sharmeen S. Murshid discussed her views on the Social Welfare Ministry's activities and the ongoing situation.
Q: Why have various social security benefits, such as allowances for the elderly and widows, been suspended since July?
A: No allowances have been stopped under the social protection program. However, the beneficiary list is being verified due to several complaints. In some cases, members of the ruling party were included in the list, who were not poor but rather party-affiliated, and they had been receiving allowances for a long time. Now, we are finalizing the list to provide benefits only to the actual poor and expect to begin distributing allowances soon.
Q: Why is there a delay in finalizing the beneficiary list?
A: We are creating an accurate list to ensure that only the deserving people benefit. That’s why it is taking a little time. Moreover, the process involves coordination with several ministries and departments such as the Election Commission, Bangladesh Bank, Bangladesh Computer Council, and the Ministry of Finance, which is causing some delays.
Q: There have been absences among local representatives during the beneficiary list preparation. How will this issue be resolved?
A: There are committees at the union, municipality, upazila, district, and city corporation levels for each benefit program, with local representatives as the chairpersons. After the fall of the Hasina government on August 5, many representatives were absent. In such cases, alternative measures have been outlined in the policy, where the Upazila Social Services Officer is appointed as the chairperson. These issues will be resolved soon with coordination among government officials.
Q: What are your plans for the Ministry of Social Welfare in the current context?
A: Due to the student movement against discrimination, many students have suffered mentally, and some have lost their careers. The Ministry of Social Welfare has a moral responsibility to support these students. We will gather data on registered patients from each hospital and use this information to create a demographic map and an action plan. The focus will be on rehabilitating these students, as the country cannot be healthy if they are not rehabilitated.
Q: What is being done for the injured and martyrs of the anti-discrimination student movement?
A: After independence, many freedom fighters did not receive their due recognition. However, we will ensure that the injured and martyrs of the 2024 movement are honored as national heroes. We are compiling a transparent list, which is taking some time. We will also work on the rehabilitation of those injured in the movement. Those who were victorious and returned alive in July-August will also receive our support. Shaheed Abu Saeed has become a symbol of courage, and we will never forget the martyr families, even if we forget the events of July and August.
Q: What initiatives are there for children?
A: We want a child-friendly country and society where children can thrive in a nurturing environment. Every neighborhood should have spaces for play and development, allowing children's talents to flourish. We aim to create an environment that encourages scientific thinking, as our future civilization will be based on science and technology. Today's children are the soldiers of the future, and we are committed to giving them a safe and prosperous Bangladesh. We must be patient and respectful, as today's children will be tomorrow's leaders and innovators.