Court Orders Seizure Of Tax Files Of Benazir’s Wife, Daughter

Desk Report

Published: 08 Jan 2025, 05:51 pm

Former inspector general of police (IGP) Benazir Ahmed  || Photo : Collected

Former inspector general of police (IGP) Benazir Ahmed || Photo : Collected

A Dhaka court has ordered the authorities concerned to seize tax files of former inspector general of police (IGP) Benazir Ahmed’s wife Jishan Mirza and younger daughter Tahsin Raisa Binte Benazir. 

Dhaka Metropolitan Sessions Judge Md Zakir Hossain Galib passed the order on Wednesday, allowing separate pleas of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC).

Deputy Director of ACC and investigation officer Muhammad Joynul Abedin filed two petitions, pleading to seize tax files of Benazir's wife Jishan Mirza and daughter Tahsin Raisa Binte Benazir. 

ACC public prosecutor Mahmud Hossain Jahangir moved the pleas before the court.

The ACC in its plea said Jishan Mirza concealed information about wealth of Taka 16 crore and kept properties of Taka 31.69 crore under her possession, which were allegedly bought by illegal amassed money.

Benazir's daughter Tahsin is accused of keeping properties of Taka 5.59 crore under her possession, which were allegedly bought by illegally amassed money.

Editor & Publisher: Eliash Uddin Palash

Address: 10/22 Iqbal Road, Block A, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207

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