
UK to Operate 5 More Special Flights from Bangladesh

The British High Commissioner Robert Chatterton Dickson today (Sunday) announced 5 more charter flights from Dhaka to London for British tourists, short term visitors and their direct dependents to return to the UK.

In a video message, he said the flights are scheduled for April 29 and May 1, 3, 5 and 7.

"If you're currently in Sylhet, you will also have the option of booking a domestic transfer from Sylhet to Dhaka ahead of the flights on Wednesday 29 April, Friday 1 May, Tuesday 5 May and Thursday 7 May. There will be no domestic transfer option available ahead of the flight to the UK on Sunday 3 May," the high commissioner said.

"These flights cost £600 per person, whether you are departing from Sylhet or Dhaka," he said.

To be eligible to take these flights, the UK nationals must be normally resident in the UK, he said, adding, "Their eligibility will be checked before your tickets are issued."

So far, the UK high commission has arranged four special flights to fly UK nationals from Bangladesh.

Source: UNB

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