
12 More Test Covid-19 Positive in Ctg

A total of 12 people, including six police officers, have been identified as coronavirus (Covid-19) positive after testing their samples at BITID, Fuzdarhat in the last 24 hours.

In addition, eight people were discharged from Chattogram General Hospital and BITID after recovery at the same period.

Civil Surgeon Dr. Sheik Fazle Rabbi announced that 15 Covid-19 patients were found at BITID after checking 213 samples in the last 24 hours.

Of these, 12 are citizens of the Chattogram area, and the remaining three are residents of other districts adjacent to Chattogram, he said.

“Besides, six samples were tested on the first day at Chattogram Medical College Hospital. All of those have negative results,” he added.

Among the 12 corona positive patients, six are policemen and two are the family members of the infected cops.

The six infected include a constable of Dampara Police Lines, a constable of Mansurabad Police Lines, a constable of Sadarghat Police Outpost, a constable of Sholashahar Police Outpost, an Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) of Khulshi Police Station and a Sergeant of Traffic department of Port Division.

On the other hand, eight people were discharged from Chattogram General Hospital and BITID in Fauzdarhat in last 24 hours, General Hospital Senior Consultant, Dr Abdur Rab Masum told BSS.

They have to stay at home quarantine for next 14 days, he added.

With the new findings, the death toll of coronavirus in the Chattogram district was 15, although the number of reported cases is 206 to this day, Dr. Masum said.

Of these, 15 patients have died so far, 61 have been released after rehabilitation, and the majority of the patients are undergoing care in the different hospitals in Chattogram, according to sources.

Source: BSS

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