
Govt Extends Restriction Measures over Corona till Aug 3

The Government today issued an order extending its restrictions on public activities and movements across the country until August 3 to contain the spread of coronavirus pandemics, as an existing nationwide control measure of the same nature is scheduled to expire this evening.

The Cabinet Division issued a notification tonight mentioning “the restriction will continue from July 1 (tomorrow) to August 3. Weekly holidays will also be under the purview of the restrictions.”

Without immediate requirements (works for burial corpses or final rites, required transactions or selling of drugs , medical care and travel to the workplace), no one should be permitted to exit the house from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. during that time, according to the 11-point directive.

Outside the home, wearing a face mask, keeping social distances and maintaining health guidelines must be followed by everyone, otherwise violators will face legal action, he said.

Markets, shops and shopping malls must be closed within 7:00 p.m. while hand-washing facilities, sanitizers, vehicle disinfection services must be provided at the entrances to the shopping malls.

Movement of all sorts of vehicle (trucks, lorries and cargo vessels) engaged in transporting commodities through highways and river routes will continue following health guidelines issued by Health Services Division.

Ahead of the Eid-ul-Azha, one of the largest Muslim religious festivals, the organization of cattle markets will be allowed, but the government's health guidelines must be strictly followed.

Public transport, passenger boats, trains and aircraft may run their services on a limited scale with a limited number of passengers in the permitted regions. However, the implementation of hygiene protocols, including the usage of safety devices, declared by the Health Services.

Division must be ensured all times.

No educational institution would be allowed to remain open during the restriction. However, online courses or distance learning courses will continue and institutes can carry on administrative works.

Meetings, gatherings, public assemblies and other activities will remain suspended throughout the time of restrictions, though citizens could offer their prayers at mosques and other places of worship, upholding the guidelines provided by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Health Guidelines.

To contain the spread of the deadly virus, zoning system like red, yellow and green zones will be implemented while city corporations will be responsible for overall implementation of the region-based restriction activities in their respective areas of jurisdiction.

The district administration will coordinate the overall activities in areas outside the city corporation. Local government institutions, district or Upazila administrations, health services, law enforcement agencies will provide their services in this regard, ensuring coordination among themselves.

Source: BSS

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