
Bibiyana Gas Field Resumes Full Production

 Bibiyana gas field || Photo: Collected

Bibiyana gas field || Photo: Collected

After four days of disruption, the Chevron-operated Bibiyana gas field resumed full production this morning – which is likely to end the gas crisis in parts of Bangladesh.

Chevron Bangladesh in a statement confirmed the development, saying that the Bibiyana Gas Plant has resumed full operations – with all process trains operational, five of the six affected wells back online, and gas production at normal levels.

The trains and wells were progressively restored this week after a suspension of operations following the discovery of technical anomalies in one well on April 3.

The cause of the anomalies in the well, which remains offline, is being investigated, said the company.

Regrettably, this impacted gas supplies to consumers for some days this week.

The country's gas production drastically fell by about 450 MMCFD (million cubic feet per day) on April 3, the first day of Ramadan, following a technical fault developed in the Bibiyana gas field.

The Bibiyana gas field production capacity is 1200 MMCFD.

The supply situation started improving on April 4 afternoon as production resumed at one of the two affected process trains at the gas field.

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