Desk Report
Publish: 19 Dec 2022, 05:42 pm
Image: Collected
Police arrested 11 female members of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami from Hajiganj upazila of Chandpur on Sunday night during a secret meeting.
They were arrested from 11th floor of a multistoried building at Paschim Bazar, said Md Nazrul Islam, Officer-in-Charge of Hajiganj police station, reports UNB.
A Chandpur court on Monday sent all the arrestees to jail said the OC.
OC Nazrul said the house owned by a retired deputy assistant agriculture officer was under surveillance on suspicion and the Jamaat members were arrested on allegation of planning anti-state activities.
The owner however remained absconding, he said.
Police seized some materials like books, leaflets, and invitation cards for spreading Jamaat’s ideology during the arrest.
Chandpur town unit Ameer(chief) of Jamaat Shahjahan Mia said the arrestees were all Jamaat members but they were not planning any anti-state activities rather they went to attend a family programme.
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