
Md Shahabuddin Declared President-elect of Bangladesh

Mohammed Shahabuddin || Photo: Collected

Mohammed Shahabuddin || Photo: Collected

Chief Election Commissioner Kazi Habibul Awal on Monday declared ruling party nominee Mohammed Shahabuddin, Awami League Advisory Council member, the president-elect of Bangladesh.

The CEC decaled him elected at the Election Commission Office at noon after scrutinizing the nomination paper submitted on Sunday, reports UNB.

“As per the election schedule two nomination papers were submitted for Md Shahabuddin on Sunday and one of those was accepted as valid after scrutiny today. There was no need to accept the other nomination paper,” Habibul Awal told reports.

A gazette will be issued today in this regard, he said.

Md Shahabuddin declared President-elect of Bangladesh 

The ruling party's nominee was declared the next president of the country as no other political party with representation in parliament proposed any name for the presidential election.

President Hamid is set to complete his tenure on April 23 this year.

According to the constitution, a new president has to be elected within 90 to 60 days prior to the end of the incumbent president's tenure.

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