Desk Report
Publish: 13 Nov 2023, 11:53 am
SDK Motif
Blood soaked bodies of two sisters were recovered from a flat in the city’s Hazaribagh area.
The bodies were recovered at night on Sunday (November 12). Throat of one of the bodies was found slit. The deceased sisters are Nasrin Akter, 30, and Jesmin Akter, 44.
Police found the throat-slit body of Jasmine and took Nasrin to Dhaka Medical College Hospital where physicians declared her dead.
Hazaribagh police station’s officer-in-charge (OC) Ahad Ali said, the two sisters lived at the flat with their mother and a brother. Their brother was outside the flat while their mother was ill.
The OC said Quoting the family members that the sisters were mentally ill. They were undergoing treatment.
It is suspected that one of them might commit suicide after killing the other, but nothing can be stated before investigation is complete, the OC said.
DMCH sources said the bodies have been kept at the morgue.
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Topic : Body Recovered DMCH Hazaribagh 2 Sisters
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