
Small Businessmen Witness Loss of Tk 40,000 Crore in 30 Days

The country's supermarkets, markets, and shops have been closed since 25 March in coordination with the government holidays owing to the lethal novel coronavirus or COVID-19.

Small businesses are the worst affected due to the closing of their organizations.

Estimation indicates that there are 56 lakh small companies or organizations in the country where fewer than 15 people are working. Under this present scenario, the businessmen report losses of Tk 1100 crore every day. The monthly loss is now on Tk 33,000 crore (from March 25 to April 25).

On the other hand, the businessmen have failed to do the business of this year’s Pahela Baishak (Bengali New Year).

The loss of Pahela Baishak business is estimated at Tk 6,000 crore.

Overall business loss, including the business of Pahlea Baishak, is estimated at Tk 40,000 crore by the small businessmen of the country, sources concerned revealed this information, according to media.

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