
17th NTRCA Viva Voce Starts Today

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The 17th Non-Government Teachers Registration and Certification Authority (NTRCA) viva voce starts today Sunday (September 24). It will continue until December 20. Candidates who qualified in the written exam will sit for viva voce over school-level Bengla subject on the first day.

The examination is being held at the NTRCA office from 10 a.m. today.

According to the notice of NTRCA, the first batch exam will be held from 10 am to 12 pm and the second batch exam from 12 pm to 2 pm every day except holidays. 8 boards have been formed for the viva examination. Each board will take viva of 50 candidates in two batches. As such, 400 candidates will get an opportunity to sit for viva voce every day.

Candidates who have passed the written test should bring original copies of all educational certificates and mark sheets, National Identity Card (NID) and Admit Card and one set of photocopies to participate in the viva test. Admit card can be downloaded from the designated websites ( and Candidates who have passed the written test should bring original copies of all educational certificates and mark sheets, National Identity Card (NID) and Admit Card and one set of photocopies to participate in the viva test. Admit card can be downloaded from the designated websites ( and

Md. Abdur Rahman, Director of Examination, Evaluation and Certification Branch of NTRCA, said that the oral examination will continue till December 20. After that, the result will be published as soon as possible.

It is to be noted that the results of the written examination of the 17th teacher registration were published on the night of August 30. A total of 26 thousand 242 people have passed it. Among them 2 thousand 101 people at the school-2 level, 19 thousand 95 people at the school and equivalent level, and 5 thousand 46 people at the college and equivalent level. The final result will be declared after their viva examination. The NTRCA-managed 17th Teacher Registration Examination School-II and School Level Optional Subject Written Examination was held on May 5 and College Level Optional Subject Written Examination was held on May 6.

The number of examinees at the school-2 level was 15 thousand 379 people, 62 thousand 864 people at the school level, and 73 thousand 193 people at the college level, totaling 1 lakh 51 thousand 436 people. Among them, the total number of candidates participating in the examination was 1 lakh 4 thousand 825.

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