
German Envoy's Anger Proves BNP's Lies to Foreigners: Hasan

Information and Broadcasting Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud || Photo: Collected

Information and Broadcasting Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud || Photo: Collected

Information and Broadcasting Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud today said BNP often gave statements quoting foreigners, of which (statements) most are false and fabricated, and it was proved at the German ambassador's statements, reports AFP.

"The recent anger of German ambassador has proved that BNP spread falsehood to the foreigners and do ill politics with them," he told reporters before attending an Iftar Mahfil at RB Convention Center in the port city.

The minister said an ambassador has expressed anger openly against the statements of a political party and such incident was never occurred before in the country. BNP held a meeting with the German ambassador and the party has divulged the statements of the ambassador in front of the media making distortion, he added.

"For this, the German ambassador has expressed anger," said Hasan, also Awami League joint general secretary.

He said: "BNP does not do politics for the people. But they always go to foreigners and write letters to them (foreigners) to stop assistance to Bangladesh. Even, BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam wrote letter to the congressmen of the US to stop assistance to Bangladesh."

The minister said he (Mirza Fakhrul) is a champion in making lies and the incident of the New Market has proved that they (BNP) want to create instability by capitalising any anarchy, BSS reports.

Police are arresting the accused by seeing video footage, said Hasan.

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