
Active COVID Cases in India Likely to Drop Sharply

Active coronavirus cases in India are likely to drop to the ''low tens of thousands'' by the end of March 2021, according to projections mentioned in an article written by members of a government expert panel.

The article that predicts a sharp drop in active COVID-19 cases in India has been written by experts who are part of the National Supermodel Committee, set up by the Department of Science and Technology.

Authors Rajeeva L. Karandikar, Chennai Mathematical Institute, Dr Shekhar C. Mande, CSIR Headquarters and Professor M. Vidyasagar, IIT Hyderabad have written an article, titled 'The Case for Rapid Vaccination of India -- and the Rest of the World'.

''According to both serological surveys as well as model predictions, a substantial fraction of India’s population currently has immunity against the virus, coupled perhaps with some natural form of immunity,'' said the article.

The vaccine offers a stronger immune response

The experts wrote in the article that the most reliable long-term protection against Covid-19 can be provided through vaccination.

The experts also said that India's ''vaccine diplomacy'' of being the supplier of choice for the world’s vaccine demands is well-placed and offers hope for the global community.

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